
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

The AFSCME Florida family grew yesterday after a unit of the medical staff with the Osceola County Corrections Department vote unanimously, seven to zero, in favor of securing their union voice and

A new report released this week by the Department of Management Service, State Personnel System Annual Workforce Report for Fiscal Year 2014-15, puts into black and white what the failure to invest in state workers, and the services they provide, really looks like.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Nearly two dozen AFSCME Retirees were among more than 200 people who showed up on a recent crisp February winter morning to help open the Hillary for America campaign office just a short walk from the state capitol.

James McGee has always been happy to pay his AFSCME dues because, much like participating in the electoral process, “if you are not participating then you are letting others control your future.” Late last year, McGee learned more about the value of his union when he turned to AFSCME Local 3030 to actually fight for his job.

The following op-ed ran in the January 20 Sun Sentinel

Florida is a large and diverse state. In the time and distance it takes to drive from Pensacola to Key West, you could drive from Madison, Wisc., to Washington, D.C. During those more than twelve hours of non-stop driving, more than 400 more people would have moved into the country's third most populated state.

Bordered on one side by the Atlantic Ocean and on the other three by suburban sprawl, Florida’s Hallandale Beach has marketed itself as Broward County’s “City of Choice.” For the hardworking women and men of AFSCME Local 2009 who have turned that marketing phrase into a strong sense of community, the choice they faced when negotiating a new contract was to either accept the status quo or to win recognition for the hard work they do.

AFSCME members supported Florida educators at this important rally and lobby day. The following photos were submitted by AFSCME Local 850's Carol Sawyer, Tom Wenz and Rita Ware.