Importance of Unionization
It’s important for the State Legislature and Governor to be active participants in dialogue with public and private employees across California to talk about how to protect good union jobs, ensure retirement security and make sure workers have dignity on the job. As union coverage has declined across America, and the voice of workers has correspondingly diminished, many of the key workplace standards past generations counted on have been eroded. From attacks on pensions to suppressing the right to collectively bargain, the assault on workers rights’ is a testament to the need for an increase in public affairs from our union brothers and sisters.
Current law prohibits public employers from interfering with, intimidating, restraining, coercing or discriminating against public employees while exercising their right to have union representation in the workplace or not. However, this protection does not extend to when employees are choosing whether or not to become a full union member. In response, AFSCME and partnering labor unions worked with Senator Toni Atkins to introduce SB 285. This legislation closes a loophole which allows employers to interfere with an employee on this decision. Right now, there is nothing to stop employers from engaging in tactics to discourage employees from becoming union members, or from convincing or coercing their employees to withdraw from union membership. This bill ensures that public employees remain free to exercise this personal and important choice without being deterred or discouraged from doing so by their employer. SB 285 was signed by the Governor on October 7, 2017.