Chapter 04 - DDC (Department of Design & Construction - Structures)

The members’ responsibilities include in-house design and review of consultants' such as police precinct houses, firehouses, jails, cultural institutions and many others.

Mike Kenny - President
Cell Phone:  (917) 939-6963
Email: [email protected]

1st vice president:  Noah Kaufman
2nd vice president:  Suzanne Lee Kim
Treasurer:  Ronaldo Vega
Secretary:  Nicholas Voitiuc
Sgt. At Arms:  Kevin Allison
Executive Committee Chair:  TBF


Kossi Ahouissi
Kevin Allison
Bielecki Tomasz
Teresa Byrne Salter
Daniela Castro
Candacy Joris Chan
Hesam (Sam) Emam

Altaf Ibrahim
Philip Jones
Noah Kaufman
Michael Kenny
Suzanne Lee Kim
Rodolfo Leyton
Ali Mohammed

Emil Oprea
Ronaldo Vega
Frank Scerbo
Nicholas Voitiuc
Margaret Matz