After years in the telecom industry, Stephanie Parker found her calling in public service. As a Grants and Project Analyst for the state of Nevada, Parker helps local jurisdictions with emergency management plans that keep communities across Nevada prepared for anything.
“To me public service is the ability to help build strong communities with the services we provide. We can improve the quality of life for families across the state with the work we do,” said Parker.
Nevada receives millions of dollars in federal grants to support communities across the state prepare before an emergency or national disaster, or to rebuild after such events. When grant regulations are updated, Parker and her coworkers help cities and counties stay in compliance with federal regulations.
“The relationships we build with local jurisdictions, especially rural communities, gives me insight to different parts of the state, and the resources -- or lack of resources- we have available- We play an important role in bringing resources to all communities in our state.”
Parker enjoys her work with the state but knows there are areas of improvement that would ultimately help employees provide better services. She would like to see better training opportunities for staff to stay up to date with their skills, as well as better working conditions and benefits, that would help retain staff. Addressing these issues is one reason why Parker became an AFSCME member.
“Together as AFSCME we can make changes in the workplace so we can provide better state services. We’ll be able to accomplish a lot more as a stronger union.”