Understanding Your Union

How does the Union work?

We work together to make improvements by organizing in the workplace and negotiating at the bargaining table. Through our union, we negotiate a binding contract with City management covering issues such as pay, benefits, working conditions and fairness in disciplinary proceedings. By working together we can insist management establishes a relationship of mutual respect.

What rights do I have as a union member?

Our union is democratic and run by the members. Every one of us as the right to vote to elect union leaders, run for office, note to set our dues structure and vote to approve or reject the union contract.

Who do I contact if I have problems on the job?

Contact your local union president or shop steward.  Your local union officers and shop stewards have gone through extensive training learning to investigate with management and develop strategies for improving the workplace.

How do I participate in my Union?

There are many ways you can help make our union stronger, but the most basic is by paying your dues and attending local union meetings. We hold Shop Steward meetings for all members. 

Do union workers get better benefits?

Yes. Union workers are more likely than their non-union counterparts to have access to health care and pension benefits. Ninety-five percent of union members have health insurance and a pension plan available — versus approximately 68 percent (health insurance) and 63 percent (pension) of those not in a union.