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Whether you’re a union activist, a young AFSCME member eager to learn more, or just want to keep your fingers on the pulse of the labor movement, AFSCME’s got a brand-new podcast for you. It’s called #NoFilter.
In each episode, AFSCME members from across the country tackle hot topics related to social justice, current events, activism and union organizing. We’re using the momentum young AFSCME activists have sparked through our Next Wave program to promote engagement and awareness.
In its debut episode, Jillian Johnsen, a housing case manager and member of AFSCME Council 75 (Oregon), talks about how diving deeper into union activism has changed her life, the lives of her co-workers, and has helped shape her community. #NoFilter also spoke to AFSCME’s California political director, Brian Allison, about how young voters made a crucial difference in the 2018 midterm elections, and the unique role young union members can play in future elections.
Learn more at #NoFilter.